X Author: Thomas P Wenzel
Wenzel, Thomas P."Review of Sierra Research Report “Development of a Proposed Procedure for Determining the Equivalency of Alternative Inspection and Maintenance Programs”."
Ross, Marc, Rob Goodwin, Rick Watkins, Thomas P Wenzel, and Michael Q Wang."Real-World Emissions from Conventional Passenger Cars."Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
48.6 (1998) 502 - 515. DOI
Wenzel, Thomas P, and Marc Ross."SAE Technical Paper Series Characterization of Recent-Model High-Emitting Automobiles."International Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & ExpositionSAE Technical Paper Series
1 (1998). DOI
Barth, Matthew, Theodore Younglove, Thomas P Wenzel, George Scora, Feng An, Marc Ross, and Joseph Norbeck."Analysis of Modal Emissions From Diverse In-Use Vehicle Fleet."Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
1587.1 (1997) 73 - 84. DOI