Publications: Sustainable Energy Systems
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Xu, Xiaodan, Hung-Chia Yang, Kyungsoo Jeong, William Bui, Srinath Ravulaparthy, Haitam Laarabi, Zachary Needell, and C Anna Spurlock."Teaching freight mode choice models new tricks using interpretable machine learning methods."Frontiers in Future Transportation
5 (2024). DOI
Rezaei, Nazanin, Annika Todd-Blick, K Sydny Fujita, Natalie Popovich, Zachary Needell, Cristian Poliziani, Juan Caicedo, Carlos Guirado, and C Anna Spurlock."At the nexus of equity and transportation modeling: Assessing accessibility through the Individual Experienced Utility-Based Synthesis (INEXUS) metric."Journal of Transport Geography
115 (2024) 103824. DOI
Yang, Hung-Chia, Ling Jin, Alina Lazar, Annika Todd-Blick, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Qianmiao Chen, and C Anna Spurlock."Gender Gaps in Mode Usage, Vehicle Ownership, and Spatial Mobility When Entering Parenthood: A Life Course Perspective."Systems
11.6 (2023) 314. DOI
Spurlock, C Anna, Annika Todd-Blick, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, and Victor Walker."Children, Income, and the Impact of Home- Delivery on Household Shopping Trips."Transportation Research Record
(2020). DOI
Spurlock, C Anna, James Sears, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Victor Walker, Ling Jin, Margaret Taylor, Andrew Duvall, Anand R Gopal, and Annika Todd-Blick."Describing the users: Understanding adoption of and interest in shared, electrified, and automated transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area."Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
71 (2019) 283-301. DOI
Wenzel, Thomas P, Clement Rames, Eleftheria Kontou, and Alejandro Henao."Travel and energy implications of ridesourcing service in Austin, Texas."Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
70 (2019) 18 - 34. DOI