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We invite you to explore your project with us, partner with our exceptional scientists and realize your goals using the state-of-the-art data, tools, and facilities we’ve designed to reach sustainable transportation.
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The Sustainable Transportation Initiative at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is actively seeking industry and academic partners in all our areas of research. The Lab offers unparalleled support to our partners through our Strategic Partnership Office, efficiently navigating intellectual property and other legal issues throughout the relationship.
We look forward to hearing your ideas for collaboration.
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Interested in working together? We'd love to hear from you.
Please contact us if you would like to collaborate with us or if you have questions, comments, or feedback about the Sustainable Transportation Initiative.

Leader, Sustainable Transportation Initiative
Director, Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
UC Berkeley
(510) 486-7071
Program Manager, Sustainable Transportation Initiative
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(510) 486-7202

Administrator, Sustainable Transportation Initiative
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(510) 486-4764
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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is located in a secure area above the University of California, Berkeley, (UC Berkeley) campus. Visitors must have a sponsor to enter the site.
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Energy Analysis & Environmental Impacts
Energy Technologies Area
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
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Berkeley Lab's Strategic Partnerships Office has developed multiple vehicles for partnerships, including templates for standard agreements such as Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA),Intellectual Property Management Plan (IPMP), Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA), and Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).
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Our Collaborators and Partners
Sustainable Transportation projects at Berkeley Lab engage collaborators and partners from other academic institutions, national laboratories, federal and state government agencies, and nonprofit and private industry organizations. These projects frequently leverage the expertise, facilities, and organizational infrastructure of both the Lab and UC Berkeley.
Our collaborations and partnerships reflect the reach of our engagement and include multiple contributors. Gillette, Volkswagen, Umicore, Bosch, Toyota North America, and GM Research are among the companies engaging with our teams. Our academic partners include Rutgers University; University of Arizona; Temple University; Vanderbilt University; University of California, Davis; CalTech; and University of California, San Diego. And we routinely partner with colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
JCAP is the nation’s largest research program dedicated to the development of an artificial solar-fuels generation science and technology. Established in 2010 as a U.S. DOE Energy Innovation Hub, it aims to find new and effective ways to produce fuels using only sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. JCAP is led by a team from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and brings together more than 100 world-class scientists and engineers from Caltech and its lead partner, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. JCAP also draws on the expertise and capabilities of key partners from the University of California campuses at Irvine (UCI) and San Diego (UCSD), and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Founded in 2012, JCESR is one of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Energy Innovation Hubs. Its mission is to design and build transformative materials enabling next-generation batteries that satisfy all the performance metrics for a given application. JCESR will achieve its mission by designing and building materials from the bottom up, atom-by-atom and molecule-by-molecule, where each atom or molecule plays a prescribed role in producing targeted overall materials behavior.
The Berkeley Lab is one of 18 partner organizations of the JCESR.
The Advanced BMR Program within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy comprises seven research tasks aimed at the development of advanced batteries for Electric Vehicles. Principal investigators from the national labs, universities, and industry partners contribute to these efforts. Berkeley Lab scientists undertake research in four of these tasks: Sulfur Electrodes, Modeling, Diagnostics, and Liquid/Polymer Solid-State Electrolytes
HydroGEN accelerates research, development, and deployment of advanced water splitting technologies for clean, sustainable hydrogen production. The Berkeley Lab joins five other U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories in this consortium to address advanced water splitting materials challenges by making unique, world-class national lab capabilities in photoelectrochemical, solar thermochemical, and low- and high-temperature electrolytic water splitting more accessible to academia, industry, and other national labs. HydroGEN is part of the DOE Energy Materials Network (EMN) and is funded by DOE’s Fuel Cell Technologies Office.
FC-PAD coordinates national laboratory activities related to fuel cell performance and durability, provides technical expertise, and integrates activities with industrial developers. The cost and durability of current polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are major barriers to their commercial use for stationary or transportation power generation. By bringing together proven expertise in the core national laboratories and building on existing capabilities, FC-PAD plans to demonstrate world-class improvements in fuel cell performance and durability that exceed the 2020 targets set by the U.S. Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO).
FC-PAD's core lab team consists of five national laboratories and leverages a multi-disciplinary team and capabilities to accelerate improvements in PEMFC performance and durability. Los Alamos National Laboratory is the consortium lead, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is the deputy lead, and Argonne National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are technical partners. Innovations from the broader research and development community will be brought into the FC-PAD consortium through funding opportunity announcements and national lab partnerships.
Harnessing the power of supercomputing and state of the art electronic structure methods, the Materials Project provides open web-based access to computed information on known and predicted materials as well as powerful analysis tools to inspire and design novel materials. (See an interview with Materials Project founder and director, Kirsten Persson.)
The development of the Materials Project is supported by the U.S. DOE through its Office of Science, via the Basic Energy Sciences (BES) and Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) programs, and through its Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), via the Battery Materials Research (BMR) program. A notable source of support within DOE-BES is the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR). The Materials Project is also supported by a Laboratory Directed Research and Development grant from LBNL and by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) via the Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (DIBBS) program. Disseminated science is supported by DOE (BES and BMR), NSF, Gillette, Volkswagen, Umicore, and Bosch.
Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) is a central hub of data-intensive research, open-source software, and data science training programs at UC Berkeley.
BIDS programs and initiatives are designed to facilitate collaboration across an increasingly diverse and active data science community of domain experts from the life, social, and physical sciences, as well as methodological experts from computer science, statistics, and applied mathematics. Since its launch in 2013, BIDS has cultivated an environment of open inquiry and discovery for data-intensive research. As an integral part of the UC Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), launched in 2019, we continue to seek new and creative ways to cross traditional academic boundaries and engage a diverse community of researchers representing a wide array of disciplines.
ITS addresses challenges in our transportation systems, including safety, energy consumption, an aging infrastructure, and a lack of reliability, resilience, and sustainability. Spanning nine departments and four colleges within UC Berkeley and two divisions at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ITS is a unique environment where the entire pipeline from science and technology inception to deployment can be brought to bear on these challenges, working directly with transportation practitioners and the worlds of policy and governance in which they must function.
ITS researchers work in a wide range of fields, including robotics and machine learning, behavioral economics, policy, and urban planning. To effectively harness that expertise, our plan for the future focuses on four growth areas that will allow us to advance the knowledge base in key fields such as self-driving cars, airspace governance for the coming drone revolution, and a clean-energy infrastructure. With our mission of service to the state of California, and with our San Francisco Bay Area location — ground zero for the extraordinary data-rich, technologically advanced era in which we live — ITS aims to be the inventor of the smart cities of tomorrow, contributing to an always more efficient and sustainable transportation system.
Dr. Jane Macfarlane is the Director of Smart Cities Research Center, a collaboration between UC Berkeley's Institute of Transporation Studies and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The center works to improve energy-efficient mobility systems by studying mathematical models and data analytics with approaches ranging from urban-scale simulation to control theory. They work with industry and public agencies to collect and model data to develop more efficient transportation networks. The research focuses on novel approaches to modeling interdependent energy and transportation systems employing machine learning, high-performance computing, and various optimization algorithms and infrastructure control methods.
The center takes advantage of data collected by mobile devices to dramatically enhance the understanding of urban mobility. The work leverages rich geospatial data analytics and develops novel approaches to studying urban dynamics in the nexus of cyber, physical, and social systems. They produce transportation development scenarios and recommendations to practitioners and decision-makers. Research areas are grounded in the disciplines covered by master and doctorate programs in civil, systems, urban planning, and transportation engineering.
California PATH is a research center of the Berkeley Institute for Transportation Studies
California PATH addresses California’s multitude of economic, environmental, and transportation challenges while developing the next generation of transportation professionals in these areas:
· Vehicle automation
· Vehicle and infrastructure connectivity
· Transportation safety and security
· Next-generation transportation corridor management
· Innovative transit solutions to improve ridership
· Advanced transportation decision support
· Fleet and vehicle energy and emission reduction
· Deep learning for automotive perception Berkeley DeepDrive
CIRCLES is a consortium of researchers and engineers from the Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley, Rutgers University, University of Arizona, Temple University, Vanderbilt University, Toyota North America, and GM Research. Dr. Alexandre Bayen, Faculty Scientist at the Berkeley Lab, is Principal Investigator for CIRCLES. Bayen is also the Liao-Cho Professor of Engineering at UC Berkeley and the Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies.
CIRCLES researchers aim to improve the future of transportation and advance the convergence of artificial intelligence, simulation, traffic engineering, and vehicle technology in the context of mixed human-autonomous traffic. The long-term goal of this project is to design, test, and deploy the first connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) enabled system to actively reduce stop-and-go phantom traffic jams on freeways and thus significantly reduce the energy consumption of transportation.
Prior work on closed-course testing demonstrated that phantom jams could be reduced using autonomous vehicle technologies and specially-designed algorithms. The CIRCLES project seeks to extend this technology to real-world traffic, where reducing these adverse traffic effects could provide ≥10% energy savings.
CIRCLES researchers have created four major products, including software libraries, utilities, frameworks, and tools to support the project.
The project is currently in planning mode, and the team is seeking seed grants from various organizations and companies. They will leverage these to write large grant proposals to federal agencies (NSF and US DOT), State Agencies (California DOT), and the private sector (Amazon, Toyota, Tesla, Uber, Renault/Nissan in particular).
The California Legislature created the Air District in 1955 as the first regional air pollution control agency in the country. The Air District is tasked with regulating stationary sources of air pollution in the nine counties that surround San Francisco Bay: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, southwestern Solano, and southern Sonoma counties. It is governed by a 24-member Board of Directors composed of locally elected officials from each of the nine Bay Area counties, with the number of board members from each county being proportionate to its population.
The Board oversees policies and adopts regulations for the control of air pollution within the district. The Board also appoints the Air District’s Executive Officer/Air Pollution Control Officer, who implements these policies and gives direction to staff, as well as the District Counsel, who manages the legal affairs of the agency. The Air District consists of over 340 dedicated staff members, including engineers, inspectors, planners, scientists, and other professionals.
See more information about the district's work in measuring air quality here.
CARB is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change. From requirements for clean cars and fuels to adopting innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, California has pioneered a range of effective approaches that have set the standard for effective air and climate programs for the nation and the world.
Research sponsored by CARB
Strong science is at the foundation of California’s air quality and climate programs. The California Air Resources Board sponsors a comprehensive research program that investigates air pollution’s causes, effects, and solutions. The findings of this research support all the regulations on cars, trucks, fuels, power plants, and other pollution sources. The research, which results in five additional dollars for each dollar CARB invests, is done under the guidance of CARB’s Research Screening Committee and in partnership with the campuses of the University of California system and other research institutions.
CARB develops and conducts policy-relevant in-house and extramural research to advance the science and to support CARB mobile source programs and policies. Current research includes efforts to better understand the discrepancy between certification and real-world emission levels, achieve further emission reductions from on-road vehicles and off-road equipment, track and model the effect of various regulatory options to achieve real-world emission reduction targets using laboratory, portable emissions monitoring systems (PEMS), remote-sensing, and engine and activity data-logging technologies, and understand non-tailpipe emissions such as brake-wear, tire-wear, and resuspended roadside dust. CARB is also responsible for programs to reduce emissions of high global warming potential greenhouse gases from mobile air conditioners and to investigate the effect on emissions from advanced vehicle and low carbon fuel technologies. Some activities include conducting large data-driven technical analyses, providing expert opinions to decision-makers, networking with internal, national, and international stakeholders, and publishing research findings.
TSRC was formed to study the economic, social, environmental, and technological aspects of sustainable transportation. It is housed at the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
TSRC does extensive research on the intersection of transportation and other key infrastructure systems. This includes utility electrical grids and intelligent transportation systems (ITS), such as ecodriving, real-time traveler and refueling information, the future of ITS (20 to 40 years), and augmented speed enforcement.
Emerging Futures, LLC was founded in 2016 as a research and analysis consultancy and is based on the U.S. West Coast. Its interests currently focus on two broad areas: climate change mitigation and the commercial expansion of humanity into space.
Drawing on the more than 20 years' combined experience of team members in research, analysis, simulations, and policy design, Emerging Futures works with researchers, government agencies, nonprofits, and companies to identify large-scale, net-zero emissions solutions for building a sustainable future. Climate change mitigation research areas include low-carbon transportation, hydrogen and low-carbon fuels, renewable and low-carbon electricity, life-cycle assessment, non-energy climate strategies, policy and integrated assessment.
Marain Inc. is a mobility software company based in Palo Alto, California, with its origins in Stanford's Autonomous Systems Lab. The company develops software to provide planning, analysis, simulation, and in-the-loop real-time electricity optimization capabilities for operators of electric automated mobility on demand (EAMoD) fleets. Delivered electricity service will become a dominant, volatile, complex, and location-specific cost for operators of these fleets. Marain uses state-of-the-art predictive models to help fleet operators minimize these costs by making decisions at multiple timescales. Marain also helps other stakeholders, such as charging infrastructure providers, utilities, and cities, explore load growth, usage patterns, pricing strategies, and policy design. Marain's team includes pioneers in the field of EAMoD control and optimization from Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Technical University Munich, and ETH Zurich.
The SMART Mobility Consortium is a program of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle Technologies Office, Energy Efficient Mobility Systems (EEMS) Program.
This multi-year, multi-laboratory collaborative is dedicated to further understanding the energy implications and opportunities of advanced mobility solutions. The Berkeley Lab researchers join colleagues from the Argonne, Idaho, and Oakridge national labs, and from the National Renewable Energy Lab, NREL.
EEMS work operates in a continuous feedback loop between research and development (R&D), analysis and modeling, and real-world living labs. R&D activities are focused on scalable smart mobility projects that identify system-level opportunities to significantly increase the energy efficiency of the movement of people and goods. The consortium aims to deliver new EEMS data, analysis, and modeling tools, and create new knowledge to support smarter mobility systems. Living labs projects demonstrate and assess the return on investment of mobility systems that reduce energy consumption while delivering the benefits of new mobility technology and provide critical real-world data to inform EEMS R&D efforts. EEMS also coordinates with other programs within the Department of Energy such as Clean Cities and ARPA-E, as well as the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Commerce.
The FHWA plays a key leadership role in sponsoring, sustaining, and guiding highway research. As a leader in the transportation research and technology (R&T) field, FHWA is working to improve its R&T program and to deploy innovations and technologies
The Research and Technology Program strives to generate new solutions, build more effective partnerships, and provide better information and tools for decision making, which will enable the Nation to enhance and make the best investments in the U.S. transportation system.
Research topics are listed on this page.
The mission of NHTSA is to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce economic costs due to road traffic crashes, through education, research, safety standards, and enforcement.
NHTSA's research offices are the Office of Vehicle Safety Research and the Office of Behavioral Safety Research. The Office of Vehicle Safety Research's mission is to strategize, plan, and implement research programs to continually further the agency's goals in reduction of crashes, fatalities, and injuries. Our research is prioritized based on potential for crash/fatality/injury reductions and is aligned with Congressional Mandates, along with DOT and NHTSA goals. The Office of Behavioral Safety Research studies behaviors and attitudes in highway safety, focusing on drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists, and uses that to develop and refine countermeasures to deter unsafe behaviors and promote safe alternatives.
The Office of Research and Development (ORD) is the scientific research arm of EPA. Its leading-edge research informs Agency decisions and supports the emerging needs of EPA stakeholders, including the Agency’s state, tribal, and community partners. On September 30, 2019, ORD restructured for the first time in 25 years to better address the increasingly complex environmental challenges of the 21st century.